Pictures of my station

Here with my Equipament, a Yaesu FT-857D , and others TRX for 2 meters, 220 MHz n' 70Cm. a handyes to work LEO Satellites, the pc is a Pentium 4, 1Gb Ram, Digital modes with MixW2.18 , MMSSTV,

Here my antennas, a Cushcraft A4S 4 Elements 10, 15, 20 Meters Bands, a Bazooka for 40 & 80 Meters, a Ringo Ranger Cushcraft for 2 Meters, a 2.4GHz Antenna, and the Yagi for 11 Meters band 4 Elements. Rotator is a Hy Gain. Cables RG-8 and Andrew Heliax for 2.4GHz. all at 24 Meters from the ground.

1 comentarios:

XE1GQP dijo...

Hola Isael saludos desde Guadalajara! y te felicito ya que veo que si eres un real Radioaficonado con mucho entusiasmo y dedicacion, asi es que siguele echando ganas que nos haces quedar bien a todos los Radioaficonados. Ha! y esta padre tu Blog he!
Ricardo XE1GQP